Lastly, please remember that the LORD has promised that he will never forsake you, he is FOR you never against you, he sings over you he directs your very steps.Brief Summary of Book: Saved: A War Reporter’s Mission to Make It Home by Benjamin Hall Allow yourself to lean into this book it may be just what you need to face tomorrow. I know many of us are struggling mightily with various trials: physically, emotionally spiritually. Trust me, you will be encouraged, inspired. Also, Fox News is presenting a special on Benjamin’s story his book this Sunday night, so check your local listings. I would submit to you that if your WHY is large enough, you have no idea how much you can accomplish nor what God can accomplish through you.īenjamin’s book is available everywhere books are sold. The LORD has different unique purposes for each of our lives.įor sure, Benjamin had more than a few REALLY hard days his goal to get home to his family kept him going. He was not forsaken by our heavenly father nor were Pierre Sasha though they perished as a result. Today’s post is quite simple it is a recommendation to read his book be encouraged by his story his faith. His goal was to make it home to his family: his wife and 3 daughters. His recovery over the last year has been long difficult difficult in terms of one step forward 2 steps back. It is my undersanding that Benjamin lost one leg, a foot, lost the use of one of his hands, had shrapnel in his left eye his neck as well as having burns from the car ultimately exploding. One missile hit in front of their car, one hit a little closer to their car, then finally, a missile hit the car. Regardless of where you stand regarding this war, I promise you that every single one of you will benefit if you make the time to read Benjamin’s book ‘Saved: a War Reporter’s Mission to Make it Home’, especially if you find yourself thinking you are facing an impossible trial.īenjamin’s car was struck by a Russin missile that took the lives of a Fox camera man a Ukranian war correspondent.
I do not know where you all get you news however, I’ve seen multiple interviews with Benjamin Hall, a Fox News war correspondent, who was covering the war in Ukraine when he suffered life threatening injuries. I have taken notes on what I was going through which I will share across time. First, please accept my apology, indeed forgive me for the 2 weeks that I have not posted.