Watson reveals more of his character before he met Holmes in this tale of a land dispute and an unwise stab at attempted blackmail.Ī heartbreaking story of betrayal among friends, everlasting love and sweet revenge that spans decades, involves a mongoose and appropriates to the story of David and Bathshehba. The word antagonist is far preferable to villain in describing the “criminal” of the case as that person turns out to be so ingratiating that you can’t help but regret the unfair ending that becomes him.Ī visit to the estate of an old friend Dr. Mainly notable for being told through the perspective of Holmes himself rather than Watson and for being a flashback account to the beginning of his career.Ī history lesson seamlessly integrated into a puzzle mystery which the cherry on top being one of the more fascinating antagonists in the entire Holmes canon. The story is rather unusual examination of racism fueled by a healthy bit of traditional spousal paranoia.Ī chronological reading the Holmes stories will inevitably remind readers of “The Red-Headed League” when they get to this story that, like the previous classic, revolves around a needlessly complicated plot to remove an inconvenience to an attempted robbery. Notable for being one of the few instances in which the deductive reasoning of Holmes ultimately proves wrong. The story is really as much an examination of the corrosive effects of sibling rivalry, jealous and a hunger for vengeance as it is a murder mystery. One of the more gruesome crimes that Holmes is called upon to solve in which the titular object contains two severed human ears. The solution to how Holmes solves the mystery involves a dog and the infamous circumstances what it did not do during the night of the horse went missing.

The crime here is not murder, but the apparent theft of a champion racehorse. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.